How to Treat Baby Acid Reflux Naturally: Top Remedies for Instant Relief
Did you know that over 60% of infants deal with acid reflux?
This is when food from the stomach comes back up into the esophagus.
It’s a common problem. Luckily, there are quite a few natural ways to ease this discomfort and improve digestion for your baby.
We’ll look at different methods ranging from how you feed your baby to holistic treatment approaches.

Key Takeaways
- Most infants have acid reflux, which usually gets better by age 11
- Medicines like omeprazole aren’t very effective for reflux and can cause bad side effects2
- Simple changes in diet, how you feed, and holding the baby upright can make a big difference1
- Gripe water and some herbs might help, but we need more studies to be sure2
- Massages and craniosacral therapy could also reduce reflux in babies

Understanding Baby Acid Reflux
Acid reflux, or GERD, is quite common in infants3.
It shows up as babies vomiting forcefully and crying a lot3.
Luckily, most baby acid reflux cases are not serious.
They usually go away as the baby’s stomach gets stronger4.
Most babies throw up several times a day in their first 3 months. But they stop spitting up by about 12 to 14 months of age4.
Symptoms of GERD in Babies
Infants with GERD may have a loud gurgle or wheeze when they eat or after.
They often drool and cry a lot. Signs of pain include arching their back and trouble sleeping.
They may also find eating hard and not gain weight properly3.
Some doctors might do blood tests to check for issues like anemia or infections affecting feeding3.
Causes and Risk Factors
GERD in babies happens because their stomach muscles are not fully developed345.
Sleeping position, birth problems, and the food they eat can also add to their risk54.
Over half of all babies have acid reflux by their first birthday. Many 4-month-olds suffer from GERD54.
Most times, acid reflux in babies is not a big concern.
But do talk to your doctor if your baby struggles to gain weight or vomits a lot5.
Lifestyle and Feeding Adjustments
When your baby has acid reflux, look at their daily habits including how they eat and sleep6.
Babies often get reflux because they drink only liquids and lay down a lot6.
You can make some changes to help your baby feel better and lessening reflux symptoms.
Feeding and Burping Techniques
Try giving your baby smaller feeds more often6.
This stops their stomach from getting too full. Proper burping helps a lot too.
Pat or rub your baby’s back lightly before, during, and after their meals to let out any air6.
Adding a bit of infant rice cereal to their milk can also make reflux less likely6.
Sleeping Positions and Positioning Aids
It’s a good idea to have your baby upright after they eat.
When they sleep, put them on their back on a hard surface6.
However, make sure not to use sleep positioners because they might be unsafe6.
If your baby still appears uncomfortable, a bit of incline in their crib or using a special wedge pillow might reduce reflux.
Changing how your baby eats and sleeps can be very helpful with reflux6.
You might have to keep trying different things, but you’ll eventually find what works best7.
In the end, reflux usually gets better as babies get older7.
Working with your baby’s doctor is important.
Together, you can figure out the best mix of lifestyle changes and sometimes medicine to make sure your baby is happy and growing well7.
natural remedies for acid reflux in babies
Medications are often used for infant acid reflux. However, natural options can be just as safe and helpful8.
Babies often experience acid reflux because their digestive systems are still developing.
There are two types: acid reflux and silent acid reflux8.
Infants with acid reflux might vomit a lot and cry often.
Those with silent reflux may have bad breath, hiccups, and seem uncomfortable8.
Gripe Water and Herbal Remedies
Gripe water is a popular choice to calm babies with reflux.
Even though scientists haven’t proven its effectiveness9, moms have used it for years. It’s known to help with gas and colic in babies9.
Some herbs like chamomile, fennel, and ginger are also used.
However, we need more research to confirm how well they work to ease reflux in babies.
Probiotics and Homeopathic Remedies
Probiotics and a remedy called Nat Phos 6X can be helpful for some infants with reflux9.
They work by improving digestion.
For instance, Garden of Life probiotics for children can make a baby’s digestive system healthier.
This might lessen reflux and boost the immune system in babies9.
Though not well-researched yet, homeopathic treatments could be a mild choice for some families.
Always talk to your doctor before trying any natural remedies for your baby’s reflux8.
Doctor-prescribed medications for baby reflux often include antacids and other blockers.
Acid suppressors are not suggested for small babies unless necessary.
They could cause issues with iron and calcium absorption in babies over time8.
There are many natural ways to deal with baby reflux.
Things like certain bodywork, lifting the baby while they sleep and eat, keeping the baby upright after eating, and changes in the mother’s diet can help a lot.
Special probiotics and homeopathic remedies may also be beneficial, offering a milder way to manage acid reflux in infants89.
“Reflux or spit up is a common issue for babies. Fortunately, many natural methods can help handle it.”
Bodywork and Massage Therapy
For babies with acid reflux, special bodywork can really help10.
Things like chiropractic care, massage therapy, and cranial sacral treatment offer relief10. reflux problems in babies might be due to their growing nervous and digestive systems10.
This can cause a ring of muscles between the esophagus and stomach to not work well10.
Chiropractors skilled in baby care can softly adjust spine and joints to boost digestion10.
After just one visit, many babies see their reflux symptoms decrease10.
If baby reflux comes from spine misalignment, chiropractic care can make a big difference10.
It helps nerves work better and eases many baby health issues10.
Massaging a baby’s tummy and gut area can cut down on gas and discomfort from reflux11.
Techniques like clockwise tummy massage, bringing the knees to the chest, and certain positions like the Tiger in the Tree can improve digestion11.
Wait about 30-40 minutes after feeding before you massage the baby11.
Always make sure your baby is happy during the massage, and skip it for a day after any shots11.
- Doing tummy massage with a clockwise motion helps digestion11.
- Bringing the baby’s knees to their chest makes the tummy feel better11.
- Activities like tummy time and Tiger in the Tree can calm a colicky baby’s stomach11.
But, finding out if gas really causes colic is tricky. Reducing gas may not always stop colic12.
The Mayo Clinic says massage might be soothing for colic.
They also remind that what works can be different for each baby12.
If your baby is colicky, you might try different soothing techniques, like massage12.

Parents can offer their babies comfort by addressing the root of reflux through gentle therapy1011.

When to Seek Medical Attention
Reflux is common in infants. It’s crucial to know when to get medical help.
It usually starts before 8 weeks and improves by 1 year13.
Sometimes, babies show reflux signs but don’t vomit.
This is called silent reflux13.
If your baby is happy, growing well, and not bothered by reflux, they don’t need a doctor’s visit13.
Diagnostic Tests for Reflux
If making changes and using natural solutions doesn’t help your baby’s reflux, a doctor might suggest tests.
These tests, like blood tests and ultrasounds, aim to find the cause and severity of the issue. Once diagnosed, the right treatment can be planned for your child13.
Medication and Surgical Options
Medicines such as antacids might help lessen stomach acid and ease symptoms13.
But, they shouldn’t be used long term for simple reflux cases.
Surgery is rarely needed, usually when nothing else works13.
Reflux often happens in babies because their food pipe is still developing.
This makes milk come back up easily13. As babies grow, their food pipe gets stronger, and reflux should get better naturally13.
“Consultation with a health care provider is recommended for babies showing signs of colic or unusual irritability to differentiate between GERD and other conditions.”14
If your baby’s reflux is very bad or if they’re not gaining weight, talking to a doctor is important.
They can suggest what tests and treatments are best to keep your baby comfortable and healthy131514.
Conclusion: How to Treat Baby Acid Reflux Naturally: Top Remedies for Instant Relief
Acid reflux is common in babies, with up to 25% showing signs of GERD16.
Most babies have mild reflux which can be eased naturally.
This includes changing how they eat and sleep, certain gentle moves, and safe herbal or homeopathic treatments17.
It’s crucial to talk to your doctor. Sometimes, for severe GERD, medicines or surgery might be needed16.
Yet, usually, focusing on natural methods is the best path. These holistic ways often work well to manage your baby’s reflux18.
By doing this, you can make your baby more comfortable and promote their long-term health.
In short, there are many natural solutions for acid reflux in babies.
From changing feeding ways to trying gentle therapy and using safe herbs or homeopathy.
By knowing the issues and using these alternatives, parents can help their baby feel better and grow well.

Related read: Natural Remedies for Eczema in Babies: Soothing Care
What are the symptoms of acid reflux in babies?
Infants with GERD might make gurgling sounds or wheeze after meals. They can also drool, cry, or seem very irritable. Signs like arching their back, trouble sleeping, feeding problems, and slow weight gain might show up.
What causes acid reflux in infants?
GERD in babies often happens because their digestive system is not fully grown. The muscle ring between the stomach and esophagus might not be strong yet. This leads to issues that can cause reflux. Things like how they are held while sleeping, any trauma from birth, and what they eat can also play a part.
How can I help manage my baby’s acid reflux through lifestyle and feeding adjustments?
To help your baby with their acid reflux, you can change how they eat and sleep. Feed them smaller amounts more often to keep their stomach from getting too full. Burp them right and consider making milk or formula thicker. Don’t use sleep positioners. Keep your baby upright after feeding and make sure they sleep on their back on a firm mattress.
What natural remedies can I try for my baby’s acid reflux?
Some parents prefer natural ways to deal with infant acid reflux over medicine. Gripe water, made from herbs, is a popular choice. But, it’s not proven to work by science. Probiotics and a homeopathic remedy called Nat Phos 6X have helped some babies. They aid in better digestion.
Can bodywork or massage therapy help with my baby’s acid reflux?
Bodywork and massage might ease reflux in some babies, especially if it’s tied to their birth. Chiropractors and massage therapists who know how to work with babies might help. They can gently help your baby’s stomach and joints work better. This can reduce gas and make your baby more comfortable.
When should I seek medical attention for my baby’s acid reflux?
If simple changes and natural remedies don’t stop your baby’s reflux, it might be time for a doctor’s visit. The doctor might need to do tests to find out what’s wrong. They may suggest medicines, but these are not always the best choice for young children. Surgery is very rare and only for the most severe cases.